Jess over at
Malt Memories has started a beautiful series called A Book A Week. I loved it immediately. I do keep a record of the girls' favourite books, usually each week and over the course of the month, but I haven't documented the book itself or their interaction with it.
There Once Was A Boy Called Tashi
On Tuesday afternoons, just as Alannah finishes at preschool, the local library next door opens. It is like the libraries I remember from my childhood: a small reading area, children's books arranged around on low shelves, hardcopy borrowing cards that are typed up on an old typewriter at the desk.
You can borrow only three books each and Alannah chooses two books for herself, two books for Juliet, and two DVDs. I instituted the two books to one DVD rule. I like how the borrowing limitations require Alannah to think carefully about her choices and to return some to the shelves.
On Saturday, Tessie and Mummy El came to play at our house. Over lunch, we chatted with the girls about the books they are enjoying at the moment. Tessie's favourite book was a 'Tashi' book. And surprise, surprise, Alannah's choice of books at the library on Tuesday included
There Once Was A Boy Called Tashi.
Ma has read it to Alannah each morning and I have read it to her during the day.
I love the length and complexity of the story. Short picture books still have their place, but for reading aloud, she gets more from books which last 15 to 20 minutes.
It's an interesting choice for Alannah and, but for Tessie's endorsement, she would have shied away from the scary characters that grace these pages.
* All my other photo '52' series have just finished week 7, so I am starting at week 7 so as not to completely confuse myself. And because I can.