Friday 14 February 2014

Fee Fi Fo Fum ...

From memory I planted something like 48 bean seeds. They are "Mr Fothergill's Dwarf Bean, Brown Beauty". I already have a row of his Snow Peas on a trellis at the end of this high bed. I am giving them 10 litres of Thrive Complete Fertiliser each Wednesday (beans and peas.)

I will sniff around Hamish's junk yard for a sheet of reinforcing rod to fit over the top lip of the corrugations of the bed, then ensure the plants grow up and through, meaning that the fruit does not lie on the soil. I am learning heaps as I continue on with this venture. I think I am on a winner with snow peas and green beans. The smaller bed will be ready for a turnover come the end of February, which is when I should be going with two more cauliflower, and two more Broccoli. Need to find another good Cucumber seed supply. Probably need another standard Zucchini, too. Can't say I appreciate the 'globe' Zucchini, as there are heaps of flowers but no fruit. It did not say it needed fertilisation from a third party.

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